Why I Started Nerd Sweat

Nerd Sweat is a merger of two of my passions. One old and one new. I have always been a bit of a nerd. I have a passion for learning and exploring nerdy kind of things. I was always good at science and math and had a passion of fantasy and science fiction. Even at a very young age I was into things like Dungeons & Dragons, fantasy/sci-fi literature, and using my imagination. As I go older I became really fascinated with science, specifically geology and paleontology. So much so that I went on to get a degree in the field.

As I have aged, I continue to share my love of nerdy things with friends, clients, and customers. However, my health was in shambles. A sedentary lifestyle and injuries had caused my body weight to exceed 330 pounds and I hated myself for it. I have always had low self esteem and body image anxiety, but it had gotten to the point where it was dangerously unhealthy. As the COVID 19 pandemic began to slow, I made the conscious decision to take my life back. It was hard, but I started out slow. Walking each day, then going to the gym a few times a week, then longer sessions at the gym, then cardio.

Now I am down over 100 lbs and feel better than I have in a long time. I am working out 5 times a week now as I continue on my fitness journey. I created Nerd Sweat so that I could share my passions together and maybe be an inspiration to others. This may just be a way to pass the time and to share some nerdy fun with others. If I can change one persons life with my story and my products then it will be a success.

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